The day I took my Writing STAAR test
My heart pounded. I didn’t even blink. I wanted to run, but all I could do was sit there. It was the most terrifying day of the year. Writing STAAR test day. It was silent. So silent it was as if you could hear your heart beat. Sweat ran down my face as I picked up my pencil. “Here we go…” I thought. “Your permanent record is depending on these upcoming 4 hours…” I closed my eyes. “Ok, Pep talk time. This is a new test. One I’ve never had before. But I’ve practiced. I’ve prepared. So what if this is a new test?! I’m gonna show it who’s boss!”
A few weeks later…
I had been pessimistic about the Writing Staar test ever since I finished. I thought sitting in the computer lab with the rest of the grade watching Despicable Me would take my mind off it. Until, that is, they started calling people over to see their results. “Oh man oh man oh man oh man… what’s gonna happen…?” Anxiety flew over me. “C’mon man, calm down. everything is going to be al-” “Ryan B., please come to see your Staar test scores.”The teacher boomed from the back of the room. It happened all again. My heart pounded. I didn’t even blink. I wanted to run, but all I could do was sit there. Keeping a straight face was the hardest. It felt like I was the hoover dam, but much weaker, and I still held back as many of gallons of water it did, and I was breaking. I sat down. My heart was pounding so hard, when I looked at my chest I could see it move my shirt. This was the moment. Right now I could get results that would either change my life, or put an end to my unblemished permanent record. The teacher told me my results. “Can I use the restroom?” I requested. “Sure!” The teacher said. As I walked to the door, I couldn’t help smiling. But I held all the joy in as I went through the door. But, when I was out of sight, I skipped, and laughed and almost even cried. I got a perfect writing score! Even on the part where you had to write your own story! All of my hard work had paid off. It was at that moment, I knew. I am going to be an author when I grow up. Here’s a quote I made for all of you put-downs…
“when you set your mind to something, and if you work hard enough, you can accomplish your dream.”
-Ryan B. 😀