He’s a natural phenomenon!
Here’s another amazing pet! His name is Danny!
Explorer Gazette reporter, Ryan B. has discovered what has happened to the famous explorer Henry Hudson. See what he has to say (or write) about this amazing discovery.
Henry Hudson, Explorer to find the Northwest Passage for both England and Spain, Has been found nearby an English colony in the New World (a.k.a. North America) apparently living with an Indian tribe. I ask Hudson how exactly he ended up in this tribe. “Well,” says Hudson, “Everyone knows that my crew, so desperately wanting to go home when I kept searching for the Northwest Passage after I had already failed, left me, my son, and 7- only 7- loyal crew members in a rowboat and left us to die. But they don’t know is that we rowed and rowed and rowed until we got to land. While hauling the rowboat everywhere we went, found a Indian tribe I had traded with before, and stayed there- until you found me.” Hudson also showed us the very rowboat his crew left him in, which is now used for fishing for the tribe. I also asked Hudson if he would return to England to see his family. “No,” He says. “I have new friends here, accompanied with my new wife, Wapiki, and a new bouncing baby boy.” There we have it, folks! This is Ryan B, your source for awesome news. _____________________________________________________________
Image was found on this website about rowboats: http://www.christinedemerchant.com/boat-styles-rowboat.html
Every kid should NOT get a trophy because for some kids all you have to say to encourage them is “Good throw” and “Nice job”. Also, If YOU’RE the hard worker and everyone else on your team is silly, would you be happy when you get the same trophy as the kid on you’re team who didn’t do any kind of benefit at all for your team? Another crucial detail is if you’re the winner of like 5 teams and everyone, even last place, got the same trophy as you. would that make YOU happy? Also, if all of the kids on a team get trophies, wouldn’t that be expensive for the company, and taking up space for the kids who get them? What do YOU think? Post your opinion in the comments. SHOULD every kid get a trophy???
Venturiantale and his siblings do not cuss or say anything inappropriate nor play anything inappropriate. If you want to watch his videos go here: http://www.youtube.com/user/VenturianTale