Hi! It’s me, Ryan! You should all be excited to know that this is my 30TH POST!!!! I’ve been waiting for this moment ever since i started blogging, and I would like to thank everyone who has been looking at my posts, and I will be showing you this funny, silly, random video.
The Cheer-you-up-pup!
I remember it like it was yesterday. The day I got my dog… a dog– and a lesson… I will remember forever. It all started when my dad said we were getting a dog. He said this during the Christmas holidays, so I always thought of it as a Christmas present. Dad learned that there were some expecting dogs over at Dogwoods, and it turned out the dogs were born on Valentine’s Day. We went to visit Dogwoods first, to see the newborn little pooches. They were precious, so innocent and tiny. I was hanging out with one, holding its pathetic little body and feeling its fragile bones. When we were gone, I was more excited than ever. Day after day I was waiting and waiting. It seemed I couldn’t take my mind off of the little dogs. Not to mention their aunt was Halie, our first dog, with whom I have many memories. It only made me even more eager when I discovered that. Then, suddenly, it was the day. I jumped out of bed like a rocket, got dressed in a flash, and
sprinted into the kitchen for breakfast. All this time the excitement was being held back, like water and the hoover dam, and the dam has just broken. I was the first one ready to go when we were about to leave, all buckled up and waiting for everyone to get in the car. When we got to the Dogwoods place, my parents were talking about the cost and everything… blah blah blah… I tuned it out and leaned over so I could see the dogs through the open door. I saw them, one pooping in some kind of litter-box, which was kinda funny, and I watched them for a few minutes until it was time to go inside. The dog pin smelled like wet dog but none of us cared. we all climbed into the dog pin and were instantly paired with our perfect match. I was laying down with a fluffy one, my sister and my mom exchanging affection with a cute one, but my dad was surrounded by little doggies like the press surrounding Michael Jackson. My dad was just talking to the dogs and we thought it was kinda weird, until I noticed one dog was listening. It sat there, watching my dad like he was talking about the most interesting thing in the world. When my dad pet this particular dog, the dog would wag its tail and squint its eyes like it was smiling. It made me smile and think, this dog is the one who loves us back. It gives us more love than we ever could give. I knew when I saw her she would be our dog. When we picked our kind, compassionate, loyal, zealous, cheer-you-up-pup, It felt more like she picked us.
Writing STAAR test day
The day I took my Writing STAAR test
My heart pounded. I didn’t even blink. I wanted to run, but all I could do was sit there. It was the most terrifying day of the year. Writing STAAR test day. It was silent. So silent it was as if you could hear your heart beat. Sweat ran down my face as I picked up my pencil. “Here we go…” I thought. “Your permanent record is depending on these upcoming 4 hours…” I closed my eyes. “Ok, Pep talk time. This is a new test. One I’ve never had before. But I’ve practiced. I’ve prepared. So what if this is a new test?! I’m gonna show it who’s boss!”
A few weeks later…
I had been pessimistic about the Writing Staar test ever since I finished. I thought sitting in the computer lab with the rest of the grade watching Despicable Me would take my mind off it. Until, that is, they started calling people over to see their results. “Oh man oh man oh man oh man… what’s gonna happen…?” Anxiety flew over me. “C’mon man, calm down. everything is going to be al-” “Ryan B., please come to see your Staar test scores.”The teacher boomed from the back of the room. It happened all again. My heart pounded. I didn’t even blink. I wanted to run, but all I could do was sit there. Keeping a straight face was the hardest. It felt like I was the hoover dam, but much weaker, and I still held back as many of gallons of water it did, and I was breaking. I sat down. My heart was pounding so hard, when I looked at my chest I could see it move my shirt. This was the moment. Right now I could get results that would either change my life, or put an end to my unblemished permanent record. The teacher told me my results. “Can I use the restroom?” I requested. “Sure!” The teacher said. As I walked to the door, I couldn’t help smiling. But I held all the joy in as I went through the door. But, when I was out of sight, I skipped, and laughed and almost even cried. I got a perfect writing score! Even on the part where you had to write your own story! All of my hard work had paid off. It was at that moment, I knew. I am going to be an author when I grow up. Here’s a quote I made for all of you put-downs…
“when you set your mind to something, and if you work hard enough, you can accomplish your dream.”
-Ryan B. 😀
President Poem
His father died when he was six years old
His mother died when he was 9
Born to a Quaker Family
March 4th 1929
Herbert Hoover
March 4th 1933
Was defeated by Franklin Roosevelt
He died October 20, 1964 aged 90
He was the 31st President of the United States
(the dates before and after his name are when he begun Presidency and when he resigned from office) 😀
Memorable Moments
In Paris, there are many attractions, including the Louvre museum, which holds the Mona Lisa, the famous painting, and other famous drawings and sculptures. Other attractions include The Eiffel Tower, a famous tower that stretches above the whole city, the Notre Dame, a famous church that was falling apart, but was saved because of the book “Hunchback of Notre Dame”, and the Arc de Triomphe, a famous Arc that was made because the winning of a war. I actually saw these things– all of them. Going to Paris was the trip of my dreams. I took boat tours, starring the beautiful Eiffel Tower, which I went to the second floor of and saw a breathtaking view of Paris, gazed into the beautiful outside and interior of the famous Notre Dame, and saw a exceptional view of the city from the top of the Arc de Triomphe. A few months later, I found myself going to the very first roughneck game of the season. But not in the stands– on the field. I ran about the sidelines with a ball secured in each hand, waiting for the team or the referee to ask for it. I went to games rain or shine, all except one, which was my night off. Being the ball boy was fun, until we lost against Cameron Yoe (I don’t like that team). Not long after that, just before 2014, I went to my grandfather’s ranch, and hunted every morning and afternoon. I went up in a stand with my deer rifle (243 beretta, for the gun nerds like me), with layers and layers of clothes on, but it was still cold because of the wind! In the stand we sat and watched. It was like playing quiet-water-still-water for 3 hours! There were bushes everywhere, and the deer were the exact same color as the bushes and ground! So it was super hard to find any ! Apart from the fact that they would hide in the bushes and stare you in the eye for 5 minutes to see if anyone was there or not. I got several very close calls, but no luck. I also spent quality time with my family, and we would sit around the fire every night before bed and talk to each other. Each noontime, me and my cousin would explore the whole ranch! We found a lot of deer tracks like these:
We also made a delicious pork dinner over the campfire (which I’ll never forget). Wow Paris, London, hunting, football, and so much more! It was fun, believe me, but that isn’t anything compared to the fun I’ll have this year!
I also have goals for this year. I am going to try to stop popping my knuckles, and try to read ALL the books I got for Christmas, including “N.E.R.D.S. (National Espionage, Rescue, and Defense Society” by Michael Buckley, “Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the Secret UFOs” by Donald J. Sobol, and “Choose Your Own Adventure: The Lost Jewels of Nabooti” by R. A. Montgomery, just to name a few. One thing I would really like to learn this year is how to shoot a deer. It looks like I have everything set up for 2014! It’s gonna be a great year! 😀
December 7, 1941 Acrostic!
People made a memorial out of the USS Arizona
Erupting bombs sank several destroyers & battleships
Attacked by Japan (How rude!)
Remembered by all Americans
Led us into World War II
Hero was Dorie Miller
A lot of ships sunk, including one we totally lost, the USS Oklahoma
Roosevelt called it the date that will live in infamy
Bombed December 7th, 1941 at 8:00 AM
Oblivious people were killed
Remembrance Day
🙁 I personally think this bombing was as tragic as 9/11. 🙁
Veteran’s Day Grandfather
For Veteran’s Day, I would like to tell you about one of the veterans in my family. (he’s retired) My Papa was only following in my Great-Grandfather’s steps when he joined the army. I don’t really know if he’s been in any wars, or what infantry he was in, but I know for sure that my papa moved out of Korea just before my dad was born. If he hadn’t, my dad would be Korean! Also, I have another vet, my Uncle– which is in service right now– who lives in Germany. I visited my Uncle Jeff when I went to England and France. It was fun! I have 2 veterans that are in my family and I’m happy for it! 😀
Sorry for the mistakes 🙁 I made corrections but I guess they didn’t save!
Plymouth or Jamestown?
If I could choose to live in a colony between Plymouth & Jamestown…
If I had to choose which colony to live in between Plymouth & Jamestown, I would choose Plymouth. The reason I would live in Plymouth is because I’d probably die in Jamestown because of an Indian attack, or a disease. In Plymouth, there is peace with the Indians and the colony. I also wouldn’t be in Jamestown because I am not a greedy person who looks for gold instead of food and starves to death because of it. I’d rather be searching for food and shelter rather than waste my time trying to find gold only to find fool’s gold. Also, think of the privilege it would be to witness the first Thanksgiving! Just think of having a three-day party while those fools in Jamestown are searching for gold that isn’t there. What would you pick? (Leave it in the comments below) 🙂
People who journey for religious reasons
Lots of people
You’d be surprised
Only one man died at sea
United with the Wampanoag tribe
The king of England made them leave
Helpful Indians were the reason they survived